Diabetes is a disease that develops silently. However, untreated diabetes can lead to serious complications. If no prevention efforts to keep the risk of diabetes.
Diabetes is declared when two blood tests showed elevated fasting glucose (blood sugar) is less than 1.26 g / l. But beware, there are two distinct forms of diabetes. Diabetes type 1 (insulin-dependent) are rare. Form of the disease most often appears during childhood or adolescence, the old name of "juvenile diabetes".
The curve that accumulate around the abdomen increases the risk of developing diabetes. This fat distribution is called "android" is more common in men, but not uncommon in women, mainly from the fifties. Prevention of diabetes therefore requires control your weight. Note: If you reduce the excess weight, it can also reduce high blood pressure, cholesterol, risk of osteoarthritis and cardiovascular events.
Studies show that there is a slight increase in the frequency and intensity of physical activity has beneficial effects on health, particularly among people who diligently perform physical activity. Just do 30 minutes of physical activity a day is enough. When we increase physical activity, greater energy expenditure, boost metabolism. It also means better use of the insulin produced by the pancreas.