Dengue fever is a dangerous disease that you should avoid. Dengue fever is an acute febrile disease caused by the dengue virus, which enters the human bloodstream through the bite of mosquito known as Aedes Aegepty.
This deadly disease is usually found in tropical and subtropical regions, which often strike at a time when the rainy season comes. WHO has estimated that each year there are at least 50-100 million cases of dengue infection in many parts of the world.
In addition to using the drug / prescription, dengue fever can also be overcome by the use of some medicinal plants. There are several medicinal plants-although further research is still needed to produce drug-tested-which is usually used by people to cope with dengue like Temu ireng, Meniran, Guava, Turmeric, and also Papaya Gandul.
Meniran or Phyllanthus urinary contains can increase blood platelets so it is good to use as an alternative medicine to cope with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). In the Meniran contains substances called flavonoids that have a benefit to raise levels of platelets in the blood.
In addition, it also contains several Meniran other nutritious compounds such as alkaloids, phenolic acids, tannins and triterpenoids. It can be used to treat dengue fever, Meniran leaf decoction is also often used to treat various diseases such as heart disease, venereal disease, cough medicine, anti-diarrhea, ulcers, heartburn, and more.
Meniran Similarly, turmeric or Curcuma domestica Latin name is also useful to treat dengue fever. In addition, turmeric also has other properties such as anti-microbial, anti-HIV, antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-invasion of cancer cells, inhibits growth of breast tumors, as well as treating digestive diseases.
Some content owned by, among others kontinin papaya, miosmin, glycosides, karposid, karpain, papain. Papaya is more effectively used to treat dengue fever papaya leaf is male (Papaya Gandul).
Similarly Meniran, Guava also contains flavonoids that can increase levels of platelets in the blood. In Guava leaves proved to contain tannins, volatile oils, fats and oils. In the fruit contains vitamin C is high.