Pulosari Fennel is native to Indonesia which has many health benefits. Nevertheless, anise or fennel pulowaras pulosari also grew in other countries such as Thailand and Malaysia. In Latin, known as anise Pimpinella anisum.
Chemically, fennel essential oils contain up to 6%, oil 12% fat, 60% Anetol and other contents in such anisat acid, limonene and pinene as much as 20%. Today, fennel pulosari already widely cultivated because of its benefits and efficacy. Therefore, in addition to herbs, fennel are also often used as seasonings cuisine. To find out what are the benefits and efficacy of fennel pulosari, please read the following description.
Before you go on a variety of properties pulosari anise, fennel note that the ripe fruit usually has a pretty distinctive aroma, taste a bit spicy and has a slightly sweet taste. And in general, the benefits pulosari fennel is to blood circulation, relieve pain, increase appetite and destroy kidney stones.
Efficacy fennel pulosari for health:
- As a traditional medicine thrush.
- As a natural remedy for treating coughs.
- As a traditional medicine to cure flatulence.
- Overcoming shortness of breath.
- Help address irregular menstrual conditions.
- Overcoming interference gallstones.
- Will tackle food poisoning from plants or fungi.