Disease Lupus Erythematosus is a chronic disease that lasts due to the production of antibodies or substances that are too excessive body immunity.
Autoimmune disease lupus commencing at the time of disease due to lupus, the body may produce antibodies to destroy the actual germs or cancer cells in the body, but in the situation of autoimmune antibodies in fact cause damage to the body's own organs. side of the body organs that are often destroyed: kidneys, joints, skin, heart, APRU, brain, and vascular system. the longer the system lasts destruction, more severe organ damage.
Initial symptoms usually appear in patients with this
disease is a skin disorder, such as redness around the nose and cheeks. Red blotches on the face and arms, heat and prolonged fatigue, hair loss, swollen joints and often arise sprue. This disease not only affects the skin, but also can affect almost every organ in the body.
The symptoms of the disease known as Systemic Lupus Eritomatosus (LES) aka Lupus. Eritomatosus means redness. whereas significant systemic spread every related organ.