In the world of modern health care, commonly referred to as warts papilloma or in other terms a benign tumor that occurs in the outer skin. And in general, the warts occur due to thickening of the outer layer of the skin excessively.
According to various sources, wart
disease arising from the attack of the virus HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). Warts form for each person can be different, there are small some are quite big and annoying. However, the form of warts usually like cauliflower. To treat warts, could use medical drugs are available at pharmacies. However, on this occasion we will only discuss what drugs the most powerful natural wart to cure warts.
Betel lime and galangal
How to use the above materials for traditional medicine warts are as follows:
1 piece galangal Mash until smooth. Take whiting to taste, if you can not be too much. Stir the ingredients until evenly 2. Apply a natural remedy before the existing skin wart. Use 2-3 times a day for maximum results.