Dandruff (Pityriasis capitis) is basically exfoliating dead skin cells to excess that occurs on the scalp. When pengelupasannya still in small amounts, can not be dandruff because the condition is common and reasonable.
However, for some cases, dandruff occurs not only exfoliate dead skin cells, but also followed by irritation. In this condition, the patient should immediately take medication. There are several ways to treat dandruff, such as by using a special shampoo dandruff. Unfortunately, this method is not always successful. Each person usually get a different result in this way. As for the other way, can the use of natural medicine. The second way the results are not instant, however, by using natural dandruff cure, reliable results can be better in the long term. In addition, the side effects are also smaller than with medication or special shampoos dandruff.
In addition due to flaking skin cells, dandruff can also be caused by the following factors:
- Sweat.
Activity normally active person sweat more, including in the head area. If the person is not diligent wash, dandruff can occur easily due to these factors.
- mushrooms
Many sources say that dandruff can also be caused by a skin fungus.
- Oily skin.
People who have oily skin are not only susceptible to acne, but also tend to be more prone to dandruff.
After knowing what causes dandruff, now it's our turn to discuss what are the materials that can be used as a
natural dandruff remedy, and the following explanation:
- salt
Take a fine salt to taste, then use the salt like shampoo. Taste is a little sore. After 3-5 minutes, rinse your hair using shampoo pet.
- lemon
Take the lime juice about 2 tablespoons and then pour into your hair. Use lemon juice until evenly before last. After 3 minutes, rinse your hair with water. This method is quite effective if used regularly.
- Coconut milk
Take the original 1 cup coconut milk then mixed with lime juice. After stirring until evenly, use these ingredients to wash your hair 3-5 times a day. Every time you wash your hair with traditional ingredients, do not forget to rinse it with shampoo after completion.