Thrush is not a deadly disease category, however, is arguably very annoying as well as tooth pain for the sufferer. Therefore, in addition to pain, it is also very sore. Even in certain cases, canker sores are often accompanied by swelling. Worse, canker sores are not just happening in the area of the lips, sometimes also appears on the tongue area.
And for canker sores on the tongue, usually feels more pain than canker sores on the lips. Basically, oral thrush is a disorder suffered by nearly 10% of the world population, especially women. Cause of canker sores can vary, but most are a result of wounds bitten, stress, unhealthy body, vitamin C deficiency, indigestion and or lack of oral hygiene. There are some traditional medicines that are effective thrush to overcome the disease.
Below are some natural herbs for use as a traditional remedy thrush potent and powerful.
Guava leaves
How to use guava leaves as a cure thrush naturally is as follows:
- Take 1 handful of fresh guava leaves along the stem and wash skin thoroughly.
- Boil the leaves using 1 liter of water until boiling. Once cool strain and drink 2 times a day.
Betel leaf
How to use betel leaf as a traditional remedy thrush quite easy. Simply take a few betel leaves, wash, then chew slowly in the mouth. Try chewing on the affected parts sprue.