Pain in the back is a small health problems during pregnancy. This can occur early in the second quarter. For some cases, the pain appears suddenly in the last month.
Back pain in the back of a woman during
pregnancy. Weight on the front of the body due to the increased volume of the uterus and the baby's weight and center of gravity moving force, to balance, arch. This exaggeration of the normal curvature of the spine that causes tension that cause lower back pain. Relaxation of the ligaments that result from hormonal activity can also cause pain instantly.
This problem increases as the pregnancy progresses (from the second quarter and especially the sixth month) and most noticeably in the evening. Gestational age, the back condition, fitness, number of children and weight gained during pregnancy affect pain intensity. He often extending 3-6 months after birth and make the baby uncomfortable.
Prenatal exercises are ideal for pain relief. In addition, it can be practiced several times a day after medical clearance. Exercises specifically targeted at the pelvic tilt and stretching (exercises alternating rounds / round hips while on all fours). Some strengthening exercises will also be advised to help their mothers during pregnancy.
Use of a gymnastic exercise balls, yoga or pilates type, it is often useful to relieve back pain. Pregnant women can use it to sit (be careful that the hip is always higher than the knee) or stretching (two feet resting on the ball). There are many advantages and simple use.