Originally characteristic features of kidney disease is very smooth, so that chronic kidney disease often do not realize they have it if they had. For chronic kidney disease may last for years and renal failure is a disease terparahnya. Without being able to reach the stage of renal failure patients with chronic kidney some people can live without ever achieving it. Abdomen will be slightly enlarged and bulging, difficult urination and defecation are characteristic of most primary renal
Nausea and vomiting may occur due to the buildup of wastes in the
blood (uremia). So the weight will fall due to decreased appetite. It's also one of the hallmark features of kidney disease.
Characteristic features of the second kidney disease is pain / back pain. On the back or side related to the affected kidney may feel pain in some people with kidney disease problems. Cause of pain, fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys and sometimes the liver and is a major cause of kidney disease polikstik hallmark.
Characteristic features of the third kidney disease is fatigue. To make oxygen-carrying red blood cells healthy kidneys make the hormone erythropoietin that will memberitahun to the body. Erythropoietin is less in kidney failure. To carry oxygen with fewer red blood cells, it will quickly be exhausted in the brain and muscles. Anemia is the name of this condition.
Characteristic features of the fourth kidney disease is swelling. Additional liquids will not be able to go out in renal failure causing swelling of the face, feet, hands, ankles because this fluid has accumulated in the body.